Homeowners’ associations (HOAs) and condo associations in Florida are required to provide advance notice of all board meetings to ensure transparency and allow association members an opportunity to attend. These notice requirements are outlined in the Florida Statutes, specifically in Chapter 720 for HOAs and Chapter 718 for condominium associations. Here’s what you need to know about the notice requirements for board meetings in Florida.
General Meeting Notice Requirements
Depending on the type of meeting being held, different notice requirements will apply. The rules also differ for HOAs and condo associations.
For example, for HOA annual budget meetings, the association does not need to mail notices, but the meeting must still be noticed properly in the community at least 48 hours in advance. That means the notice must be posted in a conspicuous place within the community. Typically, this is on a community bulletin board, at the entrance to the community, or in another easily accessible location where residents are likely to see it. On the notice must be the date, time, and location of the meeting as well as an agenda or general description of what will be discussed or voted on at the meeting.
However, if a special assessment is to be considered for the HOA, then it must be mailed or e-delivered to all members at least 14 days in advance and similarly posted in the community for 14 days.
For condominium associations, on the other hand, Section 718.112(2)(e) of the Florida Condominium Act states that notice of board meetings where the budget is to be considered must be mailed, hand-delivered, or e-delivered to unit owners at least 14 days in advance. The notice must include a copy of the proposed budget.
Review Your Association’s Governing Documents
While the state outlines minimum requirements for meeting notices for HOAs and condo associations, your association’s governing documents may stipulate otherwise. Be sure to review your documents to ensure adequate notice is being given for your meetings.
Call Our Law Firm with Questions
Florida law requires HOAs and condo associations to provide notice of board meetings at least 48 hours in advance, with some meetings requiring 14 days’ notice. Notices must include the meeting’s date, time, location, and agenda and must be posted in a conspicuous place within the community. For certain meetings, additional steps like mailing or emailing notices are required. Adhering to these notice requirements and your governing documents is essential for maintaining transparency and compliance with Florida statutes.
If you have questions about board meeting requirements or any other aspect of Florida community law, contact our team at Dania Fernandez & Associates, P.A. for help.
Hi are committees created by the Board required to post time and place of the meetings so as to notify owners prior to the meeting?
Which issues require 14 days notice of a board meeting ?