Serving on your homeowners’ association’s leadership team is a privilege. You’re volunteering to play an active role in enhancing your community’s quality of life and shaping important association decisions – while also developing personal and professional skills at the same time. It can be a highly rewarding experience on many levels, but it’s not easy.
Here in Florida, HOA boards of directors are leading multimillion-dollar non-profit organizations, and many (ok, most) volunteer board members have very little experience in this type of position. To that end, recently passed legislation, namely House Bill 1203, has introduced a comprehensive overhaul of various HOA governance aspects, including director education, records maintenance, meeting requirements, and fining processes.
Florida HOA Director Education Requirements
Effective July 2024, all HOA directors must participate in annual continuing education courses approved by the State. Directors of communities with fewer than 2,500 parcels need four hours of education annually. Directors of communities with 2,500 or more parcels need eight hours of education annually. This requirement aims to enhance directors’ knowledge and competence in managing HOA affairs, which is an area we’ve pushed for and encouraged for years.
Additionally, newly elected directors must complete a board certification course within 90 days of election or appointment.
Community Law Resources for HOA Board Members
Our firm at Dania Fernandez & Associates, P.A. offers classes and a resource library to equip leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to serve on a board with power and influence. In addition to state-mandated education requirements, we encourage board members to learn as much as they can to enhance their leadership skills voluntarily.If you have questions about serving on your condo association board in Florida or need to retain an attorney for your association, contact our team at Dania Fernandez and Associates, P.A. today.
As the statute is silent on the accrual of credit hours, it leaves open whether a 4-year certification course would count toward the 4-hour annual requirement in the year that certification course is completed.
As a director of a relatively small HOA (101 members) with no common property, I observe that the requirements will only make recruitment of volunteers for boards more difficult. If only we could compel service on boards by all equally vested members…