Thinking about buying a condo and living the good life in the sunshine state? Chances are high that you’ll be joining a condo association. Florida continues to lead the country in the most HOAs and condo associations in the country. If you’re new to Florida or new to...
For condo associations, reserve funding is required by law. Although there can be some wiggle room and even a potential to hold a majority vote to do away with reserve funds, this is rarely a good decision. Reserve funds are a vital component to a condo association’s...
Your condo association has this stash of money set aside called the reserves. You and many other members think that money should go toward a new paint color in the fitness center. That old pea green just isn’t doing it for you. You should be able to use those reserve...
You just got a notice that renovation is going to begin on the lobby and pool. You don’t remember seeing any notice about that and you definitely don’t remember voting for it. Did you miss something? Or did the Board of Directors (BOD) just decide without owner...
HOA covenants form the rules and regulations of a community association that must be adhered to by members and the BOD. They are referred to as the community’s Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions, or CC&Rs. When you purchase a home in a...