Dispute happens. Whether it’s a consistent violation of rules and regulations or something more serious like delinquency or bad debt, both the owners and the association need to be protected. And, for the sake of the whole community, disputes need to be resolved in a...
In our previous blog post, we tackled some of the common procedures for elections in a condo association. Some of these regulatory provisions will still apply to elections in an HOA, while most do not. Interestingly, the election process is very different for condo...
In our previous blog post in this series, we discussed what to do when fines and fees must be enforced within a community association. There is a systematic process including forming a committee, scheduling a hearing, and assessing fines. However, there are even more...
The financial crisis was full of dark days for condo owners here in Miami (and across South Florida). Even those of us that were personally fine, the fact that their neighbors were not took many condo associations to the breaking point. When a condo owner slips into...
Few things bring out the torches and pitchforks for community association Board Members like Special Assessments. Nevertheless, as Robert Frost said, “Nothing gold can stay.” Every community association across South Florida is going to have restorations, repairs or...
In Miami, there’s no getting around the fact that we need strong roofs over our heads. When you’re part of a condo association, roof maintenance, repair, and replacement is often the responsibility of the association at large, and, depending on your governance...