For most of us, buying or selling a home will likely be the biggest financial transaction we will ever make. You have every reason to protect your current or future assets with as much coverage as you can get. A real estate attorney can do much more to protect and...
When you purchase a new home, it has usually gone through multiple ownership changes. In the same way that you hope previous owners have taken good care of the home and left everything in great shape, the title needs to be taken care of as well. Problems with a title...
As if purchasing a home wasn’t a hefty enough price tag. Then you have the closing costs, homeowner’s insurance, maybe HOA fees, mortgage insurance, escrow fees, survey and appraisal fees, etc., etc. We get it. Who wants to add another fee to the pile? Title...
You just found your dream home and you couldn’t be more ready to move in. Congrats! But before you can hire movers or start planning out your interior decorations, there’s the paperwork. Yes, it may seem like a mountain of documents, but it’s all very necessary to...
Wire fraud is the latest scam in the real estate industry and it’s leaving some damage in its wake. Just to give you an idea of how large of an impact, wire fraud has cost companies $26 billion since 2016. In minutes, hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars can...
The words “Title Issue” arising when you are in the midst of purchasing a home may send shivers down your spine. In South Florida, a title issue can mean many things but it typically means there could be a lien, defect or other issue clouding the property title. Title...