The Latest News on Real Estate, Insurance and Community Law

Are there any Problems a Title Search Cannot Reveal?
A title is the foundation of real estate ownership and establishes your legal right to own your home and use it as you see fit. Before you finalize ownership of your home, go through closing procedures and take on ownership, a title agent will examine your title for...

Who Pays for Title Insurance in Florida?
Congratulations! You found your dream home and now you’re entering the final stretch of negotiations and closing documents. But before you sign off, make sure you have the title insurance squared away. The title is the foundation of your ownership of your home and the...

What kinds of Problems can a Title Search Reveal?
The title to your home is your legal record of holding ownership of your home. The title holds the record of ownership of your property and if it’s not clear, then someone else can potentially make a claim to your home. Believe it or not, one the most crucial steps in...

How much is Title Insurance in Florida?
Title insurance is a necessary and non-negotiable part of closing on a home and ensuring that your ownership is uncontested. Title insurance protects against any person or third party has an interest in a home, such as a lien or an easement from a previous owner. Two...

Closing Costs Were Nearly Half of Purchase Costs in 2020
Buying a home is no simple process, as any homeowner can tell you. There’s the search, the negotiations, the bidding wars, and then when the deal is sealed there are the closing costs. You’d think that with all the money you’re spending on a home that a small...

Is Your HOA or Condo Association Ready for Hurricane Season 2021
With all that 2020 delivered, you’d think the weather would take it easy on us in 2021. But hurricanes pay no mind to pandemics, social upheaval or political unrest. Hurricane season is coming. Is your HOA or condo association prepared? This season is being forecasted...

What are Discriminatory Covenants and What You Need to Know About Them
On September 4th, 2020 a long overdue law came into effect in the state of Florida which removes outdated and discriminatory language in title and other real estate transactions. This new law clearly defines and prohibits “discriminatory restrictions” from any title...

Are Homeowners Entitled to Review Board Meeting Minutes?
It just takes a minute… Minutes are the official record of an organization’s proceedings. When your HOA or condo association is having a board meeting the minutes document all relevant matters such as votes, motions and organization actions for internal use as well as...

Can Condo Associations Invest Reserve Funds?
Reserve funds have been a hot topic in Florida community association law for quite some time. Investing reserve funds in particular has been a tricky subject for both lawmakers and community associations to address. But now there is a new bill, SB 1490 on the table...