The Latest News on Real Estate, Insurance and Community Law
Can You Refuse to Join Your HOA?
If you’re looking to buy a new home you already have so many concerns on your plate. But at the top of your list, if it’s not there already, you may want to add in whether or not your new home will be in an HOA. Florida has the most HOAs of any state, so if you’re...

How Much Should an HOA Keep in Reserves?
Saving for a rainy day. It’s what our parents and grandparents always taught us. For HOAs those “rainy day” savings are not just about having a nest egg for some distant future, they’re critical to the operation and proper management of any community organization....

What Happens When an HOA Runs out of Money?
There are signs and whispers around your community that all is not well in your HOA. Your next door neighbor is saying she heard from one of the board members that the reserve fund is almost gone. You notice that the pool has been closed for several months with no...

Does an HOA Increase Property Value?
For many of us, our home is our most valuable asset and our biggest investment. We place a large financial importance on our home, as well as an emotional attachment, after all home is where the heart is. When deciding whether or not to live in an HOA, there are a...

Can a Home be Foreclosed on by an HOA?
2020 took the world by storm and, naturally, left hardships and confusion in its wake. As we slowly recover from the shock of this pandemic and all the surprises thrown at us last year, many people are worried about what will happen to their homes. The fears and...

Can a Board Hold a Closed Meeting?
The process of running an HOA, condo association or other community association can impact the daily lives of everyone in the community so when meetings are held it can be very important for all association members to attend. Meetings must usually be open to all...

Can Board Members Vote by Proxy?
When COVID first hit and meetings were cancelled or suspended to remote only, the idea of voting by proxy was floated around. Now that we are used to remote meetings (and remote everything) the idea of proxy is still a little confusing since we may not be physically...

Do You Need a Lawyer on Retainer for your HOA? Yes.
The question might come up for your HOA every year. Do we hire a lawyer on retainer? The usual debate might ensue and ultimately the final answer is determined by one thing. Cost. Cost is absolutely something an HOA board must consider, just know that with bargain...

What Are Florida’s State HOA Laws?
Living in an HOA, residents have made a legal agreement to abide by certain rules and regulations. The big idea behind an HOA or community association is that residents accept the constrictions placed on them by the association in order to live more safely, peaceably...