The Latest News on Real Estate, Insurance and Community Law

Does Your Condo Association Need a Lawyer? Hint: Yes.
Your condo association exists to serve the community. Your community is structured by effective rules and regulations and it is only as strong as the enforcement of these guidelines. When those rules and regulations are not followed, the community suffers. Sometimes...

Growing Your BOD: How to Recruit New Members
A community is only as strong as its board of directors. We’ve said it before and we will say it again. The BOD is the backbone of a community organization and it takes dedicated members and strong leadership to keep a community safe and resilient. But what do you do...

A Guide to Understanding the HOA Elections Process
If you live in an HOA or condo association you’re probably familiar with the board of directors, or BOD, and everything they do to help run the community. But the election process still remains a mystery, or a murky process at best. We want to help you understand the...

The Role of Today’s Condo & HOA Board Members
How Things Have Changed Since COVID While healthcare workers and government agencies are at the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, the actions of individuals and communities are where the true battle for the virus takes place. In close communities, especially in the...

A Beginner’s Guide to HOA and Condo BOD Duties
It’s easy to fall in love with an HOA or condo association. With all the amenities, like a pool, tennis court, game room, etc. and you don’t have to do a thing to maintain them. But someone has to make sure the association runs smoothly, the common spaces are...

Election Season is Coming Up: Are You Ready to Run for the Board?
The election season is almost upon us. Do you feel confident in running for your board of directors? We have some tips that can give you solid footing as you run for election. The overall takeaway is to be a solid and exceptional member of the community. Yes, you need...

What is Title Insurance and Do You Need It?
You signed the papers on your dream house. It’s all yours. You’re already planning a new paint color, some light remodels and the garden in the back. Then along comes someone to contest the ownership, or the title, of the property. But isn’t the house yours? If the...

Why You Need a Real Estate Attorney
For most of us, buying or selling a home will likely be the biggest financial transaction we will ever make. You have every reason to protect your current or future assets with as much coverage as you can get. A real estate attorney can do much more to protect and...

Hurricane Season and a Pandemic
Preparing your Association for what’s ahead We know that preparing for hurricane season is always a formidable undertaking in Florida but with the pandemic still a concern, there will be extra challenges this year. That’s why we wanted to step in and help you prepare...