The Latest News on Real Estate, Insurance and Community Law

Prohibiting Renovations During COVID
Social distancing, quarantine and a slew of new rules and regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It’s hard to keep up, but it’s so important in these times of the pandemic. One question we’ve been getting a lot is regarding renovations during COVID-19. Because...

Foreclosures, Assessments and a Recession
Going Over Your Association’s Options 2020 has been a banner year, one that will almost certainly go down in the history books. A pandemic, political and social unrest and a major recession. But we’re not through this yet. We are living through history. And it’s not...

Restricting Rentals during COVID-19
Residents and HOAs alike are worried about the pandemic, and rightfully so. With reports changing daily it is hard to tell whether we’re in the clear or not when it comes to COVID-19. One thing HOAs and condo associations have done to prevent the spread of the disease...

Rules and Regulations: Reasonable or Unnecessary?
As an HOA or condo association it’s hard, if not impossible, to please everyone in your community. But with the pandemic new rules and regulations have had to be made to keep everyone safe and some of these rules are getting pushback from your members. So, how do you...

Preparing for a Drop in Dues
How to navigate a loss of revenue for your association What a year 2020 has turned out be. A pandemic, civil unrest in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, and economic hits like we haven’t seen in quite some time. It has been a year for the history books....

How to find a Qualified & Effective Community Association Lawyer
Your community association needs a lawyer, there is no doubt about it. From CC&Rs, to amending bylaws, from delinquencies and bad debt to foreclosures, there is every reason to make sure your community is protected. But where do you begin in finding the best and...

Can Being a Former Felon Affect Eligibility for Board Membership?
Board elections can get contentious at times. We always hope for a fair and equitable election season but sometimes dirt gets dug up on certain candidates. That’s where the question of electing someone with a criminal history comes up. In particular, can a former...

Can a Condo Board Turn Someone Away Simply Because They “Don’t Like Them?”
In order for a new buyer to purchase a condo and enter into the community, they must first be vetted by the Board or a committee approved by the Board. The condo Board gets what’s called the “right of first refusal.” But does this mean a condo Board can reject anyone...

What is the Difference Between a Term and a Term Limit for BODs?
With the new law on term limits enacted in 2018, there has been some lack of clarity on terms and term limits for BOD members. What constitutes a term? And how exactly does the term limit affect a term? Well, a term is simply the amount of time a BOD member serves on...