The Latest News on Real Estate, Insurance and Community Law

4 Key Reasons to Have a Lawyer on Retainer for Condo Associations or Board of Directors
It’s a big question for any community, do we keep a lawyer on retainer or pay hourly, as needed? There’s no simple answer but below you’ll find 4 guiding principles that may make your decision easier. 1. If you consult with an attorney regularly If your association...

Is a Condo Association Responsible for Mold?
One of the most problematic issues for condo associations and property owners is mold. Mold can have serious health concerns, in addition to the damage it can cause to a unit and to a building. It could be caused by water damage, high moisture levels or spore...

Can a Condo Association Evict an Owner or Tenant in Florida?
Eviction is a tough business. It’s difficult and painful from either side of the field, but luckily, there are many steps to take before eviction becomes a final option. So, does a condo association have the power to evict? The short answer is yes. The longer answer...

Can an HOA or Condo Association Deny a Buyer in Florida?
We all want good neighbors. When you come home you want to feel safe and completely at ease in your space and in your neighborhood or building. For this reason, and with all the HOAs and community associations in Florida, lawmakers gave associations the ability to...

Recent Changes in HOA and Condo Association Laws that You Should Know About
What’s new in the world of Florida association statutes and amendments? We know it’s tough to keep up with all the legislation so we’ve put together the latest updates that you should know about. Websites This law was enacted in 2019, so we hope you’re on board. The...

How to Handle a Complete Shutdown in Your Community
With so much unclear and so much unknown during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a good idea to plan for certain worst-case scenarios. Please note that we are not at all trying to increase anxiety or cause panic, we just want to make sure all of your community's bases are...

Community Communication Difficulties During COVID-19
Communication is always important, but during a pandemic communication is crucial. And because of this you need to have a way to contact everybody in case of emergency or just to keep them updated on current regulations in your community. So what's the best way to...

My BOD Can’t Agree on Closing Amenities During the Pandemic
To close or not to close, this is the question. Not everyone is on the same page when it comes to closing or regulating HOA or condo association amenities and common spaces. Not everyone is on the same page when it comes to social distancing or adequately protecting...

What to Do if Someone in your Community is Diagnosed with COVID-19
With the rapid spread of COVID-19 it is entirely possible that someone you know may contract the virus. It is also possible that someone in your community may test positive. In this case, what do you? This brings up many legal issues, which are important to keep in...