The Latest News on Real Estate, Insurance and Community Law

5 Ways an HOA Attorney Adds Value to Your Community
Miami condo associations can bump into all kinds of legal trouble without even knowing there’s an issue…until it’s too late. Seemingly small issues blow up into expensive litigation, unexpected financial challenges lead to dues delinquency, and a host of other...

Why Every Florida Condo Association Should Have an Attorney on Retainer
Condo associations run much like any other government entity or business organization. While they have their own set of rules and regulations that must be followed, they must also abide by local, state and federal law. That’s a lot of laws to keep track of! To comply...

How to Address Common Misconceptions about Assessment Increases
Misconceptions about HOA dues abound. Even Floridians who have lived in HOA communities for years still hang on to ill-conceived ideas about assessment increases. Whether you’re addressing long-standing members of the community or new unit owners who just closed...

Tips for Discussing Assessment Increases with HOA Members
If there’s one area sure to stir up a heated conversation within Florida HOA communities, it’s a discussion of dues and assessments. While we all want nice services and amenities, none of us wants our costs to rise. But at a certain point, the rubber will meet the...

What Should Be Included in Your Miami-Dade Emergency Response Plan?
Condo associations in Miami-Dade must have a hurricane action plan, but they should also have a broader emergency response plan (ERP) at the ready. If you don’t have an updated emergency plan as part of your HOA’s policies and procedures, get started on one now. Here...

Year-round Emergency Preparedness for Florida Condo Communities
Here in Florida, when we think of natural disasters, we think of hurricanes, but there are many circumstances in which your condo association needs to be prepared. Making an emergency response plan (ERP) and budging appropriately for it is a best practice all Miami...

How to Amend Your HOA’s Governing Documents in Florida
Making changes to your Florida HOA’s governing documents is a process, and it’s imperative that you abide by all rules and regulations when doing so. Association documents like declarations and bylaws are legal documents. You can’t just change them willy nilly. If the...

Running for Your HOA Board in Florida? Here’s What to Know
Running for your condo or homeowners' association board in Florida is a great way to actively participate in your community's decision-making processes. If you’re ready to make a run for it, here are some things to know to help you prepare a successful campaign and...

Estimating Your Reserves: How Much Does Your HOA Need to Save?
Keeping an emergency fund adequately supplied is a best practice for all homeowners, and the same is true for condo associations. Although an HOA’s reserve funds only go toward the repair and replacement of common elements rather than individual upgrades, their...