The Latest News on Real Estate, Insurance and Community Law

To Intervene or Not to Intervene? What’s the Role of Condo Associations in Resolving Disputes Between Owners?
Disagreements are a part of life, and condo associations are certainly not immune to them. So it’s often no surprise when a small scuffle or skirmish between neighbors escalates into a full-on dispute. The challenge for condo association board members, however, is...

How to Remove a Condo Board Member in Florida
Serving on a condo association’s board is hard work. Not everyone is up for the challenge and responsibilities. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, not all board members end up passing muster when it comes to fulfilling the roles and responsibilities they were...

Communication and Engagement Best Practices for Your Condo Association
As a member of your condo association’s board of directors, you’ve likely noticed wide variation in unit owner’s engagement with board initiatives and responsiveness to communication. Some might only call to complain. Others want to attend every board meeting. The...

How to Deal with Foreclosure & Eviction in Your Florida HOA
Condo associations are like mini-governments, and at the helm is the association’s board of directors. The board is responsible for ensuring the well-being of the entire association community, and one of the biggest ways they do that is by overseeing the association’s...

Bidding War! Competitive Bid Requirements & Your HOA
The recently enacted “post-Surfside” legislation will mean many condo associations will have significant, and expensive, repairs coming down the pike within the next 12-18 months. Under Florida law HOAs are obligated to get competitive bids, but this doesn’t apply to...

What’s New? A Legal Update
Last year’s legislative special session – in May of 2022 – marks one of the most important changes to the Condominium Act since its inception in 1963. This new bill is 88 pages in its entirety, so we want to be clear that we’re only skimming the surface here. It will...

Results of a Special Legislative Session on Insurance
Property insurance in Florida has been a growing concern for some time. The recent special session set out to create some changes which they are hopeful will be a catalyst for positive changes. Legislators claim their plan is one of hope, so they’re seeing the light...

Hurricane Recovery: Impact on Insurance
In September of last year Hurricane Ian made an uninvited entrance and left a big mess. How big? A mess to the tune of over $50-$65 billion in insured damages – second only to Hurricane Katrina. The continual influx of major and damaging storms is one of the things...

Covering Accessibility in Your CC&Rs
At the risk of repeating ourselves about putting everything in your CC&Rs – make sure you cover accessibility requirements in there too. Making sure that you cover all the important issues in your association’s CC&Rs is the best way to protect yourself, your...