The financial crisis was full of dark days for condo owners here in Miami (and across South Florida). Even those of us that were personally fine, the fact that their neighbors were not took many condo associations to the breaking point. When a condo owner slips into...
In Miami, there’s no getting around the fact that we need strong roofs over our heads. When you’re part of a condo association, roof maintenance, repair, and replacement is often the responsibility of the association at large, and, depending on your governance...
From a personal finance perspective, you know the importance of saving for a rainy day in case your car needs a new transmission or your air conditioning unit suddenly goes out. Because we know these things may happen at some point in the lifetime of the item, we plan...
Condo associations, no matter how big or small, will come up against some major expenses at various points in their operation. The key to being prepared to handle these hurdles with ease is by fully funding your reserve. What is a reserve fund? Reserves are monies set...
Storms can come and go relatively quickly, but the damage they leave can take months and years to clean up depending on the severity of the storm. If your condo association is hit by a tropical storm or hurricane, there are certain steps you can and should take to...